A Wetland is a Home

A wetland habitat is rich with plant life, so it is a good place for plant-eating animals to live. Marshes, for example, are shallow wetlands that have rich soil. Plants, such as reeds and cattails, grow in big numbers there. These plants are food for some wetland animals. The plants are also good places for wetland animals, such as birds and muskrats, to make their homes.

Muskrats are medium-sized mammals that look like big rats. Muskrats are great swimmers. They can often be spotted diving into the marsh water to eat plants and small fish.

This muskrat is sitting on some thin ice in a wetland. A muskrat’s fur allows the muskrat to go into icy water to find underwater plants to eat
This muskrat is sitting on some thin ice in a wetland. A muskrat’s fur allows the muskrat to go into icy water to find underwater plants to eat.View Larger Image
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